Cubic Zirconia
Welcome to the social media equivalent of Inside UFO 54-40 page 101. This is an unwinnable microblog for me to post quick takes and other thoughts that normally fit within an Oulipolesque 280 character limit. You did not make a choice or follow any direction, but somehow you are here. Enjoy it. There are no fake internet points. You can’t vote, comment, influence, or reshare with any other user of this site — and I can go back and edit at any time. Feel free to link to this page if you must.
For some reason I am endlessly fascinated with late 70’s punk culture. I think it’s because I was exposed to elements of it on early Nickelodeon, which in their early days recycled a lot of British TV in an effort to fill their time slots. I have watched this video about 7 times.
In 2010 I started a massive id3 metadata cleanup campaign on the tens of thousands of mp3s I had collected since 1999 or so.. It took me dozens of hours to complete. Just a year or two later I threw that work away when I switched to streaming music.
I have burned
the books
that were on
the shelf
and which
you were probably
saving to read
Forgive me
they were offensive
so mean
and vile
Feel like a great end zone celebration would be a serious magic trick where the scoring player makes the football disappear.
I would like to live in a world where there are many British anthropologists dressed in formal attire who easily receive grants for paranormal research. They are professors at a school in a Royal museum and have grad student assistants who monitor energy fields with gadgets. Their fieldwork takes them to the South Pacific, Stonehenge, or Roman ruins somewhere in the Mediterranean. They routinely stumble into old special collection librarian friends at cocktail parties. I know this because I’m a private investigator working on a strange case. I have to take many of photos of them for my job doing surveillance, but am also going to use them in an art show at a gallery run by an elderly occultist and musician.